Monday, September 3, 2012


Here it is: SEPTEMBER!
can you believe it?
The fall is here and I have such a feeling of vague disapointment in myself. I have been off all summer with my shoulder recovery, and I just thought I would Make and MAKE!!!!
and I have made...
I HAVE....
But somehow, I have the feeling that I have not accomplished what I thought I would like to.
Well, I have accomplished a New Shoulder.
and what I haven't accomplished I will Get that DONE TODAY!

There are NO unrealistic expectations there.

Let's fly on into Fall...

4 comments: said...

This has been a crummy summer,I`m actually looking forward to fall.It looks like you did get alot of dolls made while you were off.Happy labor day,Robin,phyllis

sharon said...

You have outdone yourself this summer Robin....and I think you are being unrealistic. You are a gem, believe that!

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Being in a state of healing is hard...we feel like we are not doing much, but we are...maybe because we don't have a "visual"? You have done well young grasshopper! Take stock in your healing time, the small asylum is counting on you! ~*~Lisa

Maria Luisa said...

oooh...I love your cutie bird!