Sunday, December 28, 2008

Florida Christmas scene

I have visited many beautiful blogs from my friends on Etsy and on Blogger. The photos of the snowy scenes are quintessially Christmas, cold and and frozen outside, warm and cozy inside. Here is the current view from my back door. Looking out. I am clothed in Pothos and Philodendron. Their leaves peer in my kitchen window and watch with curiosity the life inside. I wish you all a Happy and a Hopeful New Year. I hope it is prosperous and has many moments of the cognizance of true contentment. I hope it has Lots of moments Of the NOW. Go make. Go make and create.

1 comment:

Janice said...

It's fun to step into the lives of others and view each world! You may not have a snowy cold scene out your window, but what you have is lovely and it's yours! Thank you for the new year wishes...the same are wished for you. I am so working on living in the NOW. Thanks again.